

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hello Summer!

And So Begins the New Season!

Here we are on our last day of spring, heralding in the hot summer months with visions of lazing beneath shade trees beside a waterfall or babbling brook, perhaps reading an engaging book, say....."THE CHE DIARIES" (?)

That last line was for humor, not expressing an incessant marketing mindset.  I don't care if you read it or not....the fun was writing it, the expansiveness to my spirit was living it.

Summer is my least favorite season, because I'm not into the heat, but the good news is, it is followed by the first of the series of my favorite seasons.  Loving all kinds of weather except heat and strong winds (to be outside in) - I do love watching it all from within....my car, my room, a cafe.

Incubation periods are sometimes viewed as "doing nothing" ~ "being lazy" ~ but actually are neither of those things.  I am in such a phase and am not resisting it, judging it or wishing to be "more productive".  Honestly, I'm viewing it as a gift, something I've never actually experienced for longer than a few hours every few years.  This is the longest incubation period I have ever had, and quite frankly, I love it, for I know things are brewing on the unseen dimensions, components are being gathered into alignment as I feel my frequency rising and resonating with all that is considered wonderful.

Always one to count blessings even during the decades as a single mom that I used to perceive as a time of struggling, I now can say, "I sailed through them" as I'm out on the other side and I didn't sink, which makes me stronger than the Titanic and with an even better navigational system.  Not to say I didn't come close to sinking many times, but with one nostril still above the surface of the tsunami at the time, I managed to rise up and overcome.  "Yay me!!!" ~ and everyone else who's fought the odds and won.  We rock.

As the captain of my own life, I've managed to not only stay afloat, but to SAIL with ease to realize a few of my actual dreams, and realizing the horizon is even brighter, the stars more sparkly than even my brilliant imagination fathomed.

This all said, I wish anyone reading this to have a life of expansion, allowing wild and 'weird' things to come into your life and enjoy them rather than judge them as 'weird or crazy' ~ and don't judge yourself as weird, crazy or any of those other tags that serve to just keep you in the box of a limited mind and a mundane life.  

So, here's to the summer and sitting beneath shady trees by a babbling brook, diving into the salty, refreshing ocean, and taking time with either your children or your self to have some SUMMER FUN.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Looking up at the night sky she knew
 it was time to ride the full Taurean moon
 like a rodeo goddess.

Holding firm onto the ropes of change
 without grasping for balance, she knew she          was to let go entirely.
In the saddle of the forces of transition,
   she commanded the beast of resistance
And allowed the ride to shake loose
  all who's season it was
        to pass out of her life.

Making room for the bath of renewal,
   The ritual of purification followed   
with the natural ease as day follows night
  and night follows the magical colors 
       of sky at dusk, trusting.

The bull bowed down allowing the mystic warrior goddess to step down with the ease 
       of the celestial dance.
  She stroked his mighty horns and he
 looked at her with the love that flowed
   from her, reaching out to every corner
  of creation, and every fiber of her
        own empowered being.