We just received three hard-copy PROOFS of the revised book: IT IS BEAUTIFUL - the fonts are fun and easy to read, the covers are gorgeous andyou will WANT to be in the first group to order this book.
Why?Because you will be getting a free gift of my music when you are of the first to order it.
Why did I revise this book?As the first edition was published some years ago, I have since had extensive experience with the content, which at the time was an obscure subject. I have since learned that the story of this book, on different levels and with different non-physical beings, is something more people experience than perhaps announce, acknowledge or even understand.
Others who experience this that have little or no experience with the aspect of self-awakening to their life purpose, or being in communication with either a loved one who is departed or infinite intelligence (your guardian angels, Source, God-the name does not matter) could think they are experiencing mental illness. I certainly had a lot of fear when I started living the content of this book. I of course had the roller coaster ride of my fears remain with the second edition so those of you who experience this can relate, and how I addressed and expanded from these fears is part of the essence of the story and my expansion from the entire experience.
The purpose of this bookshifted from being a message Che Guevara wanted to get to the world (which is still in the book as it is vital information) to assisting others who experience this and seem to have no reference to relate to.
I searched the internet extensively during my living of this book and found not one bit of information that was remotely similar, I was on my own with it. But I remained steadfast, and this journey is the essence of the book, along with the information I "received" from both the energetic matrix of the former revolutionary and other guides.
It wasn't until about 3 years ago that I found Abraham-Hicks online, who has explained in detail my exact experience and how this is within the parameters of what human society deem "normal" for one who is born with sensitivities that are not the norm, but certainly not symptoms of mental illness. My relief was palatable, for validation of this experience has always been refreshing to me, even though I grew past needing validation that I was an empathic sensitive and not mentally ill.
Timing is perfectand I found the information I needed right at the time that was right for me, even if it did conflict with what I thought I needed. I needed to be on my own and experience it fully with no validation at all in order for the experience to expand me in the ways it did.
Now it's all out in the open, and I've grown in strength, clarity and sensitivity. The book is expanding in nature andyou, the reader,will expand from old ways of thought and limiting belief systems from reading it and your questions of life purpose could be answered, if you are indeed ready. As with the first book, I am confident it will be read by those who are ready to receive this information.
With THIS SECOND edition, the received information does not come through my previous filters of being unsure and fearful of the experience, and Infinite Intelligence upgraded the same information to be more clear, as now I am more clear, the path is more clear and clarity has dissolved all the fear I had during the experience.
I am looking forward to furthering our friendship and energy field! The timing is perfect for your launch.... Willow will take the energy from it and shower down the beauty for all to see.... Looking forward to connecting throughout your journey! XOXO Bless your life!
I am looking forward to furthering our friendship and energy field! The timing is perfect for your launch.... Willow will take the energy from it and shower down the beauty for all to see.... Looking forward to connecting throughout your journey! XOXO Bless your life!